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Amaia Arrazola

A moving story about differences with Amaia Arrazola’s striking and colourful illustrations.


All chameleons change color to match their surroundings. All? No, Simon never gets it right and the truth is that he can’t come to terms with it. What can he do to feel better?

Grant & sample translation available.


  • A relatable and lovable character marvelously created by Amaia Arrazola.
  • Vibrant and striking illustrations to enjoy at their best.
  • A warm and comforting story for young children learning to fit in.  
  • An ode to authenticity and difference.
  • Ideal to work on self-confidence, tolerance, respect and inclusivity.
Title Simon
Author Amaia Arrazola
Illustrator Amaia Arrazola
ISBN (Original Version) 978-84-18304-68-2
Size and Format 26x23 cm - Hardback
Pages 40
Age Range +3
Rights sold Portuguese (Brazil).

Amaia Arrazola is a freelance designer and illustrator. Her work, both fresh and colourful, has been featured in publicity campaigns for companies like Coca-Cola and Uniqlo, books, ceramics, tarot cards and large walls. Her books have been translated into English and French. She has more than 50K followers on Instagram.

Photo © Claudia Mallart –

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